Saturday, August 2, 2014

Crossrail CEO Bullish on Crossrail

CrossRail CEO is understandably very bullish on CrossRail. I think he's right. Crossrail is going to make a significant difference, but just how big a difference?  According to the CEO, it will add a whopping US $71bn to the UK economy.

If the video is not working properly, you can go to the bloomberg page here:


Crossrail Operator
Guess which rail company has been awarded the contract to run Crossrail?  SMRT?  Nopes.  It is Hong Kong's MTR!  Impressive.  See this news article.

Extract -
"Transport for London (TfL) has awarded the train operating contract for its Crossrail service to the Hong Kong based MTR Corporation (Crossrail) Limited (MTR). The deal is estimated to be worth £1.4 billion over eight years and there is an option for a two year extension in the deal. Mass Transit Railway (MTR) will operate the new Crossrail services between Reading, Heathrow and through London to Shenfield and Abbey Wood employing around 1,100 staff including up to 850 new jobs. MTR requires around 400 train drivers and will sponsor 50 apprenticeships for people from communities along the route.

"From 2019 when the full timetable is running, Crossrail will increase rail based transport in the capital by 10%. The intention is that it will also provide the best ‘passenger experience’ as it is now called, on European metro services achieving internationally recognised high standards of reliability, train frequency and customer service. Crossrail has been sponsored and funded by the Department for Transport and TfL and will become part of the latter’s extensive and intensively operated network. Crossrail’s stations will be integrated with London Underground, Docklands Light Railway, London Overground and National Rail stations."

happy investing!

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