Monday, October 6, 2014

Hong Kong versus Bangkok street demonstrations

Good article on the key differences between the protests in Bangkok versus that of Hong Kong.

On Bangkok's demonstrations - "the Thai campaign was a sophisticated operation supported by deep pockets and wily tacticians."

On HK's demonstrations - "There is no management, there is no plan,"

Time is not on HK's demonstrators side. "If the Government does nothing, the world would lose interest," said clerical worker Mag Lui.

And that ought to be the number one strategy for the Hong Kong Government. Concede little. Do nothing. Let the protestors fizzle out.

How long can you last on donated biscuits and plain water anyway?

Thanks for reading.

1 comment:

  1. HK demonstrations do not have strategies to spur interests after one another. They need to storm the Government buildings if they need support. Or someone to feign blood to invoke sympathy. Bangkok has endless monetary support. People can go on for months without working. They are paid to camp there.
    Objectives are different. HK wanted China to listen to their views. Bangkok wanted to replace the PM.
